Stronger Together by Working Together
The Jackson Association of Neighborhood’s mission is to help strengthen Jackson neighborhoods by working together with government agencies, neighborhood groups, community organizations and other stakeholders to help neighborhoods become more effective at solving problems and improving their communities. To accomplish that mission, our main objective is to identify leaders in every neighborhood in the city. If a neighborhood doesn’t have a current organized group or identified leader, JAN is ready to support local residents to get connected and activated to move forward together.
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By collaborating with local organizations, neighborhoods, businesses, and residents, JSU can address pressing societal challenges, promote lifelong learning, and contribute to economic growth.
While many of us focus on personal spring cleaning, coming together as a community to tidy up shared spaces can be incredibly rewarding.
If you're ready to make your event a memorable experience for your neighbors or local area, here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started.
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