Ward 7 Neighborhoods
DISCLAIMER: JAN has obtained the above map data from the Central Mississippi Planning & Development District (CMPDD). It was created for the City of Jackson in response to the 2020 Census and is intended for planning purposes only.
The boundaries of Creston Hills are: Daniel Lake Boulevard (North), I-55 Frontage Road (East), Savanna Street (South), and Terry Road (West).
The boundaries of Woodland Hills are: Ridge Drive (North), Glenway Drive (East), Glenway Drive (South), and Old Canton Road (West).
The boundaries of Shadow Lawn Heights are: Wagwood Street (North), Wagwood Street (East), Sunny Lane Drive (South), and Terry Road (West).
The boundaries of Savanna Street are: Mason Boulevard (North), I-55 (East), Stokes Robertson Road (South), and Terry Road (West).
The boundaries of Midtown are: Woodrow Wilson Avenue (North), West Street (East), Fortification Street (South), and Mill Street (West).
The boundaries of Kimbrough Heights are: Ferguson Drive (North), Ferguson Drive/Arbor Hills Drive (East), McDowell Road (South), and Terry Road (West).
The boundaries of Hightower are: Highway 80 (North), S West Street (East), S West Street (South), and Gallatin Street (West).
The boundaries of Englewood are: McDowell Road (North), I-55 Frontage Road (East), Daniel Lake Boulevard (South), and Terry Road (West).
The boundaries of Elton Woods are: Misty Cove (North), Elton Woods E Drive (East), Elton Road (South), and Terry Road (West).
The boundaries of Eastbrooke are: Eastbrooke Street (North), Eastbrooke Street (East), Lakeland Drive (South), and Lakeland Lane (West).
The boundaries of Downtown Jackson Business Improvement District are: George Street (North), Jefferson Street (East), Court Street (South), and Mill Street (West).
The boundaries of Belhaven Heights are: Fortification Street (North), Greymont Avenue/Museum Trail (East), George Street/High Street (South), and State Street (West).
The boundaries of Battlefield Park are: John R. Lynch Street (North), Gallatin Street (East), Highway 80 (South), and University Boulevard (West).
The boundaries of Farish Street Historic District are: Fortification Street (North), Lamar Street (East), Amite Street (South), and Mill Street (West).
The boundaries of LOHO are: Meadowbrook Road (North), Ridgewood Road (East), Eastover Drive (South), and Berkley Drive (West).
The boundaries of Belhaven are Woodrow Wilson Avenue (North), Interstate 55 (East), E Fortification Street (South), and N. West Street (West).
The boundaries of Fondren are Northside Drive (North), Interstate 55 (East), Woodrow Wilson Avenue (South), and Railroad line (West).