About JAN

Jackson Association of Neighborhoods (JAN) is a Mississippi 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, located in Jackson, MS. The organization is managed by a board of directors, with representatives from every ward in the city. JAN’s mission is to help Jackson strengthen neighborhoods by working together with neighborhoods, organizations and stakeholders to become more effective at solving problems and improving their communities. 

JAN Board of Directors

JAN is managed by a board of directors that includes two board seats representing each city ward, along with one seat for a past president. Each board member can serve for one term of three years, and be re-elected by the Board to only one additional term of three years. The officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer) serve two year terms but can be re-elected for one additional year by the Board.

2024 JAN Board of Directors

Ward 1 - Jamie Rasberry (1st term, 1st year)

Ward 1 - Angela Moore (1st term, 1st year)

Ward 2 - Mark Wise (1st term, 1st year)

Ward 2 - Jeffery Taylor (1st term, 3rd year)

Ward 3 - Sirena Wilson (2nd term, 1st year)

Ward 3 - Felicia Tripp (1st term, 1st year)

Ward 4 - Seymore Bell (1st term, 2nd year)

Ward 4 - Dorothy Johnson (1st term, 1st year)

Ward 5 - Ruthania Hudson (1st term, 1st year)

Ward 5 - Fran Bridges (1st term, 2nd year)

Ward 6 - Robert Sulton (1st term, 2nd year); Treasurer (2nd year)

Ward 6 - Sylvia Walker (1st term, 2nd year)

Ward 7 - Andy Frame (2nd term, 2nd year) President (3rd year)

Ward 7 - Ashlee Kelly (1st term, 1st year)

Past President - Princess Barber (Ward 4) Secretary (1st year)

JAN Committees

The 2023 and 2024 JAN Board created six committees to accomplish its objectives for the year. Committees can be composed of board members and anyone interested in helping.

The six JAN committees for 2024 are:

Chair: Fran Bridges

Main objectives are to help update the neighborhood database, connect with neighborhoods around the city, and encourage more participation with all neighborhood groups. The Membership Committee always strives to have representatives from each city ward.

Neighborhood Strengthening
Chair: Princess Barber

Main objective is to provide tools and resources to neighborhood leaders and organizations to help solve common problems while also encouraging best practices for event planning, fundraising, and increased participation.

Chair: Andy Frame

Main objective is to support communications for JAN by providing an information network between neighborhoods and neighbors.

Chair: Robert Sulton

Main objectives are to oversee JAN's finances, find grant and funding opportunities for JAN, and to find grant and funding opportunities for all Jackson neighborhoods.

Emergency Response
Chair: Felicia Tripp

Main objective is to help neighborhoods become more resilient before, during and after emergencies through connectivity, training and planning.

Love Jackson Parks
Chair: Seymore Bell

Main objective is to organize a "Friends of" group for every park in the city (if there isn't one already formed), and to provide them support, guidance, and connection to other people and groups who Love Jackson Parks.