
Navigating the City Guide

City Departments

  • Offers Jackson residents direct access to accurate information and timely assistance with city programs and services—contact Constituent Services Manager Chris Gray, Sr. at 601.960.2324 or Contact Constituent Services Representative Stanley Wesley at 601.960.1835 or Dial 311 for non-emergency city requests.

    Create a City of Jackson OpenGov account to file city service requests for:

    Street Repair & Resurfacing



    Garbage, Trash, and Recycling

    Abandoned/Neglected Property

    Traffic Signs & Signals

    Police & Animal Control


    Parks & Recreation

    Vehicle Complaint


    Please note: water issues are now handled by JXN Water. Call JXN Water Customer Support at 601-500-5200.

  • Provides emergency dispatch for Jackson Fire Department, Jackson Police Department, and the Capitol Complex Improvement District (CCID). In case of an emergency, call 911. Call 601.960.1234 for non-emergency requests. Call 601.359.3125 for non-emergency requests inside the CCID.

    The Jackson Police Department’s Citizen Self-Reporting System is now available. Residents’ reports will be reviewed and contacted if further information is needed. Access the portal here.

    Jackson Fire Department Stations

    Jackson Police Department

    Precinct 1 C.O.P.S. Meeting (South Jackson, 1st Thursdays @ 6 PM) - 810 Cooper Road • 601.960.0001

    Precinct 2 C.O.P.S. Meeting (West Jackson, 2nd Thursdays @ 6 PM) - 803 Bobby Rush Boulevard • 601.960.0002

    Precinct 3 C.O.P.S. Meeting (Northwest Jackson, 3rd Thursdays @ 6 PM) - 3925 W. Northside Drive • 601.960.0003

    Precinct 4 C.O.P.S. (Northeast Jackson, 4th Thursdays @ 5:30 PM) - 3220 Old Canton Road • 3220 Old Canton Road

  • Maintains 57 city parks and public green spaces and enhances residents' physical and recreational needs through programming. Contact Parks and Recreation to plan an event at a city park or reserve facility space.

    City Parks

    Community Centers

    Jackson Zoo

  • Facilitates the growth and development of Jackson through small business development, transportation, neighborhood services, planning, code enforcement, and zoning. Create a City of Jackson OpenGov account to register your neighborhood with the city.

    Neighborhood Services Division

    Ride JTran

    Code Services

    Planning and Zoning

  • Maintains infrastructure and provides service to facilitate public health and safety. The City of Jackson's Water and Sewer Business Administration is now JXN Water. Richard's Disposal Inc. of Jackson MS is responsible for garbage collection and can be reached at 769.333.4222.

    Paved Streets - 601.960.1177

    Bridges and Drainage - 601.960.1872

    Traffic Maintenance - 601.960.1757

    Park Jackson

    Apply for Service or Create an Online Account with JXN Water

    Garbage Collection Schedule

    Report Illegal Dumping

  • Provides administrative and technical support to all city departments via records management and assistance with all municipal elections.

    Public Records Request

    Ward 2 Special Election



JAN Neighborhood Tools


  • Is the property owner responsible for a sewer back-up?

    The property owner is responsible for the line that services his/her building up to the property line. However, if a blockage occurs in the service line but is unknown where the blockage is taking place (private or public property), the property owner must make an effort to free the blockage, at his/her expense. If the blockage cannot be relieved by these methods and it is demonstrated that the blockage is within the public layout, the Department of Public Works will accept its responsibility from the property line to the city’s main.

    A storm drain is blocked by leaves and debris, who do I call?

    If you notice an inlet is blocked, or stormwater is not draining from a street, please call the 3-1-1 action line or submit a ticket online.

    When will my street be paved?

    For more information about street paving, contact Paved Streets at 601.960.1177.

    How do I report a pothole?

    To report a pothole, contact the 3-1-1 Action Line by phone or online.

    What should I do if the sewage is overflowing?

    If sewage is overflowing, please call 3-1-1 or submit a ticket online. If it is after-hours, please call 601-960-1234.

  • Can I reserve a park pavilion?

    Yes. To reserve a park pavilion, complete and submit the User Provisions for City Parks Application & Indemnification and Hold Harmless Agreement with payment to the Department of Parks & Recreation located at 633 N State Street (5th floor). Call 601-960-0471 if you have any questions.

    Can I host a large special event in the park?

    Yes, upon approval from the City of Jackson Special Events Committee. For more information, please call 601-960-0471.

  • How do you report a light being out?

    Call 1-800-9OUTAGE (1-800-968-8243). You will need the pole number for the specific pole. Or, report it via the Entergy app. You will not be charged for this service request.

    Where is the pole number?

    Locate a set of yellow squares with numbers on the utility pole.

    How do I find out about a power outage?

    You can call 1-800-968-8243. If you are an Entergy customer, you can get updates through text or view the outage map online or through the Entergy app.

  • I have not received a water bill. What do I do?

    Call 601–500-5200 to report not receiving a water bill and to work out any outstanding charges. You can view your bill statements online if you have signed up for the digital self-service portal here.

    I noticed a water leak in the street. What do I do?

    Call 601-500-5200 to talk to a representative of JXN Water. A leak does not have to be at your residence for you to report it.

    How long does it take JXN Water to respond to a service request?

    In order to respond to the high amount of service requests received daily, JXN Water says response times typically take between 3 to 5 business days.

    What do I need to do in order to stop service?

    There are several ways to stop service. Please review the information below to establish which type of property you wish to stop service at and what is required for each type of property.

    Online: Customers can log on to the JXN Water website and click applications to stop their water service account. They will be asked to answer a few questions and to provide the address, desired stop date, account number, forwarding address and contact information.

    Phone: Call JXN Water at 601-500-5200.

    Residential: Customers can also call to terminate their services. They MUST be able to provide the account holder’s name, address, account number, and the last 4 digits of the social on file. The customer will be asked to provide their desired stop date and forwarding address.

    Commercial: Commercial customers need to log on to the JXN Water website to request termination of water services.

Neighborhood Strengthening