Ward 4 Neighborhoods
DISCLAIMER: JAN has obtained the above map data from the Central Mississippi Planning & Development District (CMPDD). It was created for the City of Jackson in response to the 2020 Census and is intended for planning purposes only.
The boundaries of Shady Oaks are: Utah Street (North), Parkway Avenue/Albermarle Road (East), Medgar Evers Boulevard (South), and Sunset Drive/Medgar Evers Boulevard (West).
The boundaries of Will-O-Wood are: Will O Run Drive (North), Will O Run Drive (East), Raymond Road (South), and N. Siwell Road (West).
The boundaries of Westchester Hills are: Wynndyke Road (North), Riffle Avenue (East), Riffle Avenue (South), and Westhaven Boulevard (West).
The boundaries of Westside/Subdivision #2 are: Highway 80 (North), Westhaven Boulevard (East), S. McRaven Road (South), and Loflin Street (West).
The boundaries of Western Hills are: Hillandale Drive (North), Old Spanish Trail (East), Raymond Road (South), and Hillandale Drive (West).
The boundaries of Stillcreek are: Stillcreek Drive (North), Lurline Drive (East), TV Road (South), and Barrier Place (West).
The boundaries of Queens-Magnolia Terrace are: W. Northside Drive (North), Queen Eleanor Lane (East), Clinton Boulevard (South), and Magnolia Road (West).
The boundaries of Oak Creek are: Princess Pine Drive (North), Oak Creek Drive (East), Oak Leaf Drive (South), and N. Siwell Road (West).
The boundaries of Northwest Hills are: W. Northside Drive (North), Chandler Drive (East), Jackye Lane (South), and Boling Street (West).
The boundaries of Hibernia Hills are: Clinton Boulevard (North), Dixon Road (East), Rosehaven Drive (South), and Carolyn Avenue (West).
The boundaries of Belair are: W. Northside Drive (North), Grove Park (East), Utah Street (South), and O’Bannon Drive (West).
The boundaries of Belair Estates are: W. Northside Drive (North), Grove Park (East), Overbrook Drive (South), and Overbrook Drive/Queensroad Avenue (West).
The boundaries of Jayne Avenue are: Officer Thomas Catchings, Sr. Drive/O Ferrell Avenue (North), Bobby Rush Boulevard (East), Saint Charles Street (South), and Lindsey Drive (West).
The boundaries of The Bottom are: Officer Thomas Catchings, Sr. Drive (North), Lindsey Drive (East), McCain Avenue (South), and Nimitz Street (West).
The boundaries of Virden Addition are: Northside Drive (North), West Street (East), Woodrow Wilson Ave (South), and Livingston Road (West).
The boundaries of Cedar Hills are: Highway 18 (North), Sharon Hills Drive (East), Raymond Road (South), and Winnwood (West).
The boundaries of Brookhollow Place are Highway 18 (North), N. Siwell Road (East), Brookhollow Drive (South), and Brookhollow Circle (West).