Join us for the third and final Fondren Forward Plan Workshop, where we’ll debut the nearly complete Fondren Forward Community Vision! This event marks a significant milestone as we present a 90% finished plan—your chance to see how the community’s voice has shaped Fondren’s priorities and future investments. We are eager to gather your feedback to ensure the plan fully reflects the goals and aspirations of all Fondren’s residents, business owners, and stakeholders.
The evening will begin with a presentation outlining our journey so far, showing how your input has been woven through every step of the process and into the key actions and initiatives at the plan's core. Afterward, we invite you to join us for a come-and-go session, allowing you to explore interactive stations that delve into various facets of the plan.
As the guiding document for the Fondren Renaissance Foundation, this plan will set the stage for Fondren’s next chapter, creating a shared vision and roadmap for years to come. Please share your thoughts and help us ensure we’re all moving forward together.