Jayne Avenue Neighborhood Association Conducts Walk & Talk

JPD officer discusses crime prevention with Jayne Avenue residents.

On Tuesday, June 10, the Jayne Avenue Neighborhood Association (JANA) held a Walk and Talk around the neighborhood to identify concerns, needs, and opportunities for the future. Ward 4 Councilman Brian C. Grizzell led the exercise, and the Jackson Police Department (JPD) provided security to ensure resident safety. The neighborhood's boundaries are Officer Thomas Catchings, Sr. Drive/O Ferrell Avenue (north), Bobby Rush Boulevard (east), Saint Charles Street (south), and Lindsey Drive (west).

During the hour-long walk around the neighborhood, residents identified dilapidated housing for demolition, overgrown grass that prevents the utilization of sidewalks, and downed powerlines. Crime was also a major topic of conversation. Concerned residents requested cameras around the neighborhood and officers to patrol regularly. Mississippi State Representative (District 68) Zakiya Summers, who is also secretary for JANA, encouraged residents to utilize the City of Jackson’s 311 Action Line for non-emergency service requests. Residents can report street repair issues, parks & recreation problems, zoning concerns, and more through this service. 

“One of my takeaways is that even with everything going on and even with the complaints that we received today, this is still a beautiful neighborhood,” said Councilman Grizzell. “There is still a lot of potential. With a little TLC and ongoing support, alot of this can be turned around.”

“Everybody needs to work together to make this happen,” said JANA President Credell Calhoun. “It’s improving in some areas and going down in others. We need to continue to improve. I like the people over here. They are very friendly, and hopefully, we can get the crime under control so people can continue to enjoy the neighborhood.”

The Jayne Avenue Neighborhood Association meets on the second Monday of every month at the Jayne Avenue Community Center at 6 pm. 

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