P.L.U.G.: A Way for Jackson to Get on the Same Page
Ward 5 Councilman Vernon Hartley hosted a Ward 5 community meeting on Thursday, February 6, at the Mississippi e-Center at Jackson State University. Neighborhood leaders from Capitol Neighbors, Matthew East Estates, Pecan Tree Park, Woodlea (Ward 2), and Poindexter Park attended. “Neighborhood associations are a part of the glue that keeps our city together,” Hartley said. The City of Jackson’s Chief Administrative Officer Louis Wright, Sr. introduced city department leaders from the Jackson Police Department, the Jackson Fire Department, Human and Cultural Services, Solid Waste, and others to discuss their work and connect with residents. “This is to show the public that we’re all working together towards the same goals,” Hartley said.
Ward 5 Community Meeting at Mississippi e-Center at JSU
During the meeting, Hartley acknowledged Jackson’s challenges: crime, infrastructure, code enforcement, and waste. “We must first acknowledge the problems, work on them, and then solve them. These are the four categories that I always try to keep in front of me when I’m on the council and talking to directors,” Hartley said. P.L.U.G. is the acronym Hartley used for residents, local government, and elected officials to get on the same page to move Ward 5 and Jackson forward. He started with unity.
U is for unity. “How do we get unity? We get unity from the ‘p, people’s input and planning,” Hartley said. L stands for laws. “This is how we all get on the same page. We all have to adhere to a certain set of laws, ordinances, and oaths.” G is for goals. “We have to have that vision. We must acknowledge our goals from the public, administration, and city council that we have the same destination.”
The West Central Jackson Improvement Association provided a questionnaire for residents to share their thoughts on what changes they want to see. “I’m concerned about these four priorities. Once we get there, the sky is the limit,” Hartley said.
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